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Blest) 1清高的,崇 "noble"中文翻译 adj (bler;Nobleza f 贵族身份, 贵族阶级, 崇高, 高贵 近义词: hidalgo, aristócrata, barín, Lord, hijo de algo, hijodalgo, infanzón amplio, bondadoso, de buen corazón, fiel, generoso, leal, bizarro, bueno, consagrado, dadivoso, desinteresado, desprendido, elevado, espléndido, humanitario, liberal, sublime, magnánimo, munificenteNoble (noun) = a person from a high class or royalty Example The noble s owned most of the land and leased it to tenet farmers Noble (adjective) = describing that someone belongs to a high class;

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