Is a manga series created by Tetsuhiro Koshita, first serialized in Shogakukan's CoroCoro Comic magazine from July 1994 to October 1999The manga centers on Retsu and Go Seiba, twin brothers who focus on the world of miniature car racing known as Mini 4WDIt is created as a tiein to Tamiya's Mini 4WD franchise,コロコロアニキで連載中の大人気ミニ四駆漫画『爆走兄弟レッツ&ゴー! Return Racers!!』待望の単行本発売!!!! F1レーサーになった豪の超絶レース、烈と豪の最後のミニ四駆対決!そし, Hepburn Bakusō Kyōdai Rettsu Endo Gō!!, lit The Racing Brothers Let's & Go!!) is a manga series created by Tetsuhiro Koshita, first serialized in Shogakukan's CoroCoro Comic magazine from July 1994 to October 1999 The manga centers on Retsu and
コンプリート Let S Go Return Racers Manga Let S Go Return Racers Manga